Friday, February 6, 2009

Art has not taken a hike!

Art/painting has NOT taken a hike around here. I've not had much time for the blog but I do think of it now and then. Some friends and I in an online group were discussing not long ago........"Do you neglect some of your creative activities when you are concentrating on others?"

Or my case, all the work/time physical and mental with moving, setting up a new place to call home (maybe for the rest of my life) has taken time away from my actual painting time. It has, honestly.........BUT, we are not made up as individuals from just the time we spend in front of the easel. We have to have something to contribute to the mix that sooner or later comes out in our work. I know that time has been brewing what may come out in my paintings over many years. I have painted some work that I think of as the Umbria paintings. That will continue and slowly be mixed in with the new rural countryside paintings.

But, I did something else I've been fooling around with...Bread Baking. This is a loaf of Olive Bread. I think I've been making too much bread from the Artisan Five Minute a Day cookbook and my jeans tell me this is true.

But there are paintings on the easel wall. I'll show them as time and my judgment allows.


  1. With beautiful bread results like this, you will be the one who needs to "take a hike." HaHa. Can't wait to see how living on the farm will change the energy of your paintings. You seem so much more relaxed now in spite of the physical stuff you are doing.

  2. Beautiful bread, I must mix some up again soon... and use with measured discreation this time! You have what appears to be a marvelous assortment of trails to hike as the weather becomes more pleasant... that should take care of the extra bread load ;-)

  3. Cheryl,

    You are so right that everything in our lives goes into what comes out on the canvas. There is no need to push the "work ethic." The beauty that is obvious in your bread will come through in your art when the time is right.


  4. Thanks for the thumbs up Karen, Annette, and Lynne.

    You tell yourself that all the "living" goes into the work...but you still feel anxious when not in the studio enough. OR,I do anyway.
