Saturday, May 24, 2008

Our Place In Italy & stuff

Gosh, it's Saturday again..............May 24.

We've not been early-birds around here.....but why should we be unless we have to get somewhere early or make a connection?

I'm sitting here with my little espresso at internet this morning again. (Are you getting tired of that old refrain?) I wanted to check out the weather forecast for this coming week in case we want to go to Florence (Firenze) for an overnight there. The sun is shining this morning, birds chirping and it looks like a beautiful day to come. I think we've had some kind of drizzle or mist at some point every day though so things could change.

I hear from home that the farm house now has a new roof...minus the captain's walk. It is hard to picture it without it but I'm sure before I know it I'll be used to it. Curry says the grand- kids will be with him some as their sitter is going for some college courses. They will be good to keep him company and they have so much fun over there.

Maybe later I can get through to the Residenza Proconsolo to see if they have a room next week....then a trip on the train from Fabro to Firenze.

In the meantime, I finally got a picture of the entrance to the lane lined with olive trees.........our home away from home, Casa Rondini.

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